Prevention of “Human Metapneumovirus” or” hMPV” infection

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hMPV disease or Human Metapneumovirus is a type of virus that causes respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza virus. Which are important causes of respiratory disease in young children that can result in pneumonia in young children.

hMPV or Human Metapneumovirus infection can occur at any age, but is more common in young children, less than 5 years old. And can be spread through droplets from coughing, sneezing, or contact with contaminat bodily fluids.

  • Inhalation of airborne viruses
  • Direct contact with secretions from coughing, sneezing or talking of an infected person.
  • Touching objects or surfaces contaminated with hMPV and then touching your nose, mouth, or eyes with your hands.

Symptoms of hMPV infection: In most children, symptoms include cough, runny nose. Some have sore throat, hoarseness, a growling cough, and pneumonia.

Children infected with hMPV typically become sick for about 5 to 7 days and then recover. However, in some cases, ทางเข้า UFABET สำหรับสมาชิกใหม่ สมัครวันนี้ รับโบนัสฟรี, symptoms can be severe and require longer hospitalization.

Since there is no specific vaccine for hMPV disease or Human Metapneumovirus, parents should be careful about preventing hMPV infection in children by avoiding taking young children to crowded places, avoiding close contact with people who are coughing or sneezing, or being near people who have respiratory diseases, and maintaining cleanliness.

  • Clean frequently touched surfaces regularly to reduce the chances of respiratory infections.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol gel.
  • Try not to let your child pick his or her nose or put his or her hands in his or her mouth.

In summary, although hMPV is a virus that causes pneumonia. Especially in young children and the elderly, it can be prevent. If the initial symptoms are, the child should be take to see a doctor immediately. Especially if the child has difficulty breathing. The most important thing is to focus on maintaining cleanliness. Such as washing hands frequently, avoiding contact with sick people, and cleaning the environment, which will help keep children safe from hMPV infection.